Whereas RYDEPRO (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a provider of Transportation Services, For-hire Vehicles (FHV), Private Hire Vehicles (PHV), or Transportation Network (TNC), within the jurisdiction of the State of California and United States of America, acknowledges the importance of privacy and the protection of personal data in the digital age; and Whereas the Company is dedicated to upholding the principles of privacy and data protection as enshrined in relevant data protection legislation, including but not limited to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Therefore, the Company hereby promulgates the following Privacy Policy, which shall be binding upon all users of the Company’s services.

Article I: Collection of Information

1. Personal Data: The Company shall collect personal data, which shall include, but not be limited to, the user's full name, residential address, electronic mail address, telephonic contact details, financial transaction instruments, and other identifiers as may be necessary for the provision of services.
2. Geolocation Data: In the course of providing transportation services, the Company shall collect geolocation data, which shall encompass the precise locational coordinates of the user from the initiation to the termination of the service.
3. Service Interaction Data: The Company shall record data pertaining to the user's interaction with the services, including but not limited to application usage statistics, user-configured preferences, and selected settings.
4. Device Data: The Company shall gather information regarding the devices utilized by the user to access the services, including, without limitation, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, types of browsers, and mobile network information.

Article II: Utilization of Information

The personal data collected shall be utilized exclusively for the following purposes:

- To facilitate the provision and enhancement of the Company's services.
- To execute financial transactions and to prevent fraudulent activities.
- To maintain communication with the user regarding their account and experiences with the Company's services.
- To fulfill legal and regulatory obligations incumbent upon the Company.

Article III: Disclosure of Information

The Company hereby declares its commitment not to sell or share the user's personal data with third-party entities or vendors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company may disclose personal data to third-party service providers under binding confidentiality agreements and to law enforcement or other governmental entities as mandated by law or in response to a legal process.

Article IV: Security of Information

The Company shall implement and maintain reasonable security protocols to safeguard against the unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction of personal data under its stewardship.

Article V: Rights of the User

The user, being a resident of the State of California, shall be vested with the following rights:

- The right to request disclosure of the personal data held by the Company.
- The right to petition for the erasure of personal data from the Company's records.
- The right to object to the sale of personal data by the Company.
- The right to equal service and price, and not to be discriminated against for exercising privacy rights.

 Article VI: Amendments to the Policy and Notification

The Company reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time. Should there be any changes to the policy, the Company shall notify the user in the following manner:

1. Electronic Notice: An email notification will be sent to the user's registered email address.
2. In-Service Notification: A prominent notification will be displayed within the RYDEPRO application or website.
3. Updated Effective Date: The "Effective Date" of the Privacy Policy will be updated to reflect the date of the changes.

Users are encouraged to review the Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed of any changes. Continued use of the Company's services after the notification of such amendments shall constitute the user's acceptance thereof.

Article VII: Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, the user may contact the Company at [email protected].

This Privacy Policy shall be effective as of the 1st day of May, in the year 2024.


RYDEPRO does not sell or share your personal information with any third party